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Quad LFO demo

    In this video I show off and explain functions of Tre Modular – Quad LFO module.

    Tre Modular – Quad LFO features four independent Low-Frequency Oscillators. This module is designed to offer both super slow and low audio rate speeds. It ranges from 0.013Hz to 40Hz. You can use it for slow moving patches or for audio rate modulation.

    Other notable feature of this Quad LFO is skew/pulse width control. It is similar to one found on Korg`s MS-20 Modulation Generator. Rotate the knob to morph between sawtooth, triangle, and ramp waveforms. Turn counterclockwise for sawtooth waveform and clockwise for ramp waveform and in the middle it produces triangle waveform. 

    At the corresponding channels square wave output this control changes the pulse width of the square wave.